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Book Review:

Reflections on Light and Vision

by Larry B. Wallace, OD, PhD

Dr. Wallace wrote in Reflections on Light and Vision:

“In 1994, I invited optometrist Dr. Glen Swartwout to talk about biophysics as the foundation of life processes. He has lectured worldwide on biofield communications and the electromagnetic terrain that allows us to accept certain frequencies, absorb certain information, and process certain energy. Dr. Swartwout researched the effects of color, nutrition, and energy medicine to create a holistic approach to vision therapy. He treated pathologies such as cataracts, macular degeneration, and glaucoma. He has written several books on the causes of these conditions and their treatment and explored electromagnetic pollution and its effects on health. Today, he brings these practices together in what he calls “clinical theory,” allowing all aspects to be considered in the art of healing.”

The following review article was inspired by reading the new book by my mentor and luminary in quantum healing, Dr. Larry Wallace: 

Contemplating the Clinical Theory of Everything: A Journey into Light and Healing 

In 1994, an extraordinary conversation sparked a journey into the unseen connections between light and health. Dr. Wallace invited optometrist Dr. Glen Swartwout to discuss the intricate relationship between biophysics and life processes. With his extensive biofield communications background, Dr. Swartwout has lectured globally on how electromagnetic fields allow us to absorb frequencies and process energy. His groundbreaking work integrates quantum biology, nutrition, and energy medicine to form a holistic approach to vision therapy. Treating conditions like cataracts, macular degeneration, and glaucoma, he has penned several insightful texts outlining the causes of these ailments and their healing modalities. Today, 'Dr. Glen' blends these principles into his Clinical Theory of Everything, embracing every facet of healing, and answering the big questions of science...  

As Albert Einstein famously said, "Medicine of the future will be the medicine of frequencies." This perspective highlights a revolutionary shift in how we view health—one that acknowledges the importance of energy, light, frequency, information, and consciousness in our overall well-being.  

Dr. Wallace’s book, Reflections on Light and Vision, serves as a vital resource for eye doctors intrigued by the advancements in what I refer to as Photo-Energetic Regulatory Medicine. It provides an extensive overview of Syntonic Optometry and the remarkable developments that have emerged over the last century. This knowledge isn’t just academic; it has the power to transform lives...   

Larry Wallace's introduction of this concept to Dr. Glen in 1982 led him to conduct groundbreaking research in photobiomodulation and its effects on eye health. It all began during his fourth-year class at SUNY when he attended Dr. Wallace's lecture on Syntonics. That initial spark ignited a series of achievements including developing innovative photobiomodulation tools like the Harmony Laser—a testament to how understanding these principles can lead to practical healing applications...  

One pivotal figure in this exploration is Dr. Spitler, who founded the College of Syntonic Optometry. His book Basic Naturopathy remains a cornerstone text in Naturopathic Medicine—underscoring how intertwined our understanding of natural health is with vision therapy...  

Dr. Spitler’s research unveiled the fascinating concept of the Liver-Brain Battery—a crucial power source that regulates meridian currents across our body. The retina acts like a solar panel, charging this battery and enabling vital communication and detoxification pathways throughout our system... Intriguingly, research suggests that “only embryonic cells with a large negative charge become eyes”—highlighting the significance of electrical properties of the body's biofield in developmental biology...  

The challenges faced by vision science echo broader societal issues—where knowledge about holistic approaches has often been suppressed. Following the institution of governmental regulation of medicine, natural solutions including Syntonics were actively suppressed as pharmaceutical profits allowed regulatory capture by the new industry... As we delve deeper into understanding these dynamics, we uncover that our reliance on drugs has now destroyed our national health...  

We must consider how visual fields relate to physiological responses... Could there be a connection between muscle tension in extraocular muscles and reduced retinal circulation affecting our spatial awareness? These questions open doors for further inquiry into how vision interacts with overall health and consciousness...  

Understanding concepts like a state of Syntony—representing balance and harmony—versus Dystonia, or the related process of Syntropy—representing self healing and the tendency of living systems toward increased order— versus Entropy can illuminate paths toward a more complete understanding of science... In living systems exhibiting Syntropy, accelerated self-healing processes can occur at impressive rates... Many cases of spontaneous remission of cancer happen in a few days even in metastatic disease. This principle fosters demands a deeper inquiry into the body's innate healing mechanisms...  

Consensus terminology like 'spontaneous' or 'aging-related' betray the lack of rational causal thinking in the well-funded consensus science establishment. Research funds are directed blindly at unproductive questions and alternative hypotheses, a foundational necessity in productive scientific inquiry, are censored by refereed journals.  

The Clinical Theory of Everything is a practical alternative to the modern system of scientism that has led to today's quandary of 'the blind leading the blind.' And it is backed by four decades of clinical breakthroughs in healing irreversible conditions from blindness to cancer.  

Today, electromagnetic pollution presents significant challenges... We are bombarded by an overwhelming increase in EMF exposure while simultaneously experiencing decreased access to full-spectrum light and the harmonic energies of Earth's Schumann field... This imbalance can disrupt our natural rhythms, affecting our health...  

Recent findings about structured water suggest that it plays an essential role in energy pathways within our bodies... This paradigm indicates that there is an alternative source of cellular energy beyond oxidative metabolism... Clinically documented cases even highlight individuals thriving solely on radiant infrared energy...  

We can no longer ignore the implications surrounding different states of matter... Physicist David Bohm, whom Einstein regarded as his successor, viewed matter as "frozen light". Recently discovered states of spirit-like non-ordinary matter including Bose-Einstein Condensates (BECs) and ORMEs reveal the missing link between consciousness and matter...  

Recognizing this continuum of matter, energy, and information leads us toward understanding energy's role within fluid mediums—a process where photons stimulate ionization... Thus, electrons, protons, and ions become carriers of electrical current that regulate biological functions...  

As we delve deeper into structure-function relationships, we begin to see that current understanding may be limited by neglecting to consider a broader temporal context... Recognizing how previous patterns of function - or dysfunction - built present structures can transform therapeutic outcomes moving forward... rather than simply managing symptoms with pharmaceuticals that not only fail to improve the underlying causal functions but add further layers of dysfunction through suppression of the symptomatic healing pathways and triggering of toxic side effects.  

In Photo-Energetic Regulatory Medicine, coherent biophoton communication is essential for regulating bodily functions at all levels... The way light energy communicates within us speaks volumes about our interconnectedness within nature’s fabric... And the way we communicate in response elucidates our best way forward to restore health.  

Embracing these insights presents us with profound solutions—from finally understanding the mechanisms of consciousness to healing the interconnected web of life... Such revelations inspire new perspectives on both science and spirituality—ushering in an era where alternate hypotheses thrive. They can be brought into the light to be tested through observation... and ultimately shared for the enlightenment of all.  

A particularly enlightening observation comes from recognizing cases where degenerative eye diseases are not only preventable but often reversible... With nutritional vision therapy tailored toward photo-energetic coherence, remarkable recoveries have emerged—where conditions previously deemed irreversible, including AMD and glaucoma, are now showing hopeful outcomes…  

At the systems level, we now understand that environmental light stimulation regulates not only voluntary and autonomic responses but also endocrine and immune functions as well… At a cellular level we can begin to contemplate how each cell has its own form of visual function. For example, the dedifferentiation that is characteristic of cancer cells can be understood as a result of cellular blindness. When we contemplate the cultural level, we see that spiritual blindness leads the way in our present state.  

A patient of Dr. Wallace's long ago referred for help with declining vision and eye health stands as a typical example of this work—stabilizing her vision in the face of glaucoma and cataracts for many years now under this holistic approach…  

As we reflect on Dr. Glen Swartwout's insights—the ultimate unity between the infinitesimal and its source resonates profoundly... The exploration into light’s healing potential opens an exciting frontier for both scientific inquiry and personal health practices…  

In essence, our journey into understanding the Clinical Theory of Everything invites us all to explore uncharted territories… What might you discover about your health and your health practices by engaging with these principles? The possibilities are limitless as we harness nature’s wisdom toward vibrant living…   

Need to Dive a Little Deeper?

Dr. Glen's Full Notes from reading the book:

 Einstein quote:  

“Medicine of the future will be the medicine of frequencies.” - Albert Einstein,
Nobel Prize winner for observing the Photo-Electric Effect

Note that he was not awarded the prize for Relativity Theory which was not based on observation and is fact not correct, though it has become dogma in consensus scientism along with many other errors we seek to correct in the Clinical Theory of Everything.

Dr. Wallace’s book is a must read - both as an overview of the last century of developments in what I call Photo-Energetic Regulatory Medicine, and for a detailed introduction to the clinical practice of Syntonic Optometry.  

Thank You, Dr. Wallace! Larry Wallace presented a guest lecture to my 4th year class at SUNY on Syntonics. This eventually led to an animal study on Photobiomodulation, researching spectral CFF threshold patterns, qualifying for Fellowship and serving as Secretary in the 1980's. Later, I was invited multiple times as a Speaker for CSO. More recently I have been developing photobiomodulation tools including the Harmony Laser, a transcranial frequency Helmet, a Biocompatible and a Therapeutic Nightlight. In 2024, I will be publishing an Article in the CSO Journal.  

For me, reading this thought provoking book has stimulated a few pages of notes, which follow: 

Dr. Spitler: 

Dr. Spitler who founded the College of Syntonic Optometry, was another OD ND. When I studied Naturopathic Medicine, his book Basic Naturopathy was the first required reading. It is still considered the best text on Naturopathic Medicine. 

The Liver-Brain Battery: 

Identified in Dr. Spitler’s research, the Liver-Brain Battery is the primary DC power source that runs the meridian currents that move the extracellular fluid (ECF) that surrounds and washes every cell. The retina is the photovoltaic solar panel that charges that battery. The two optic nerves carry 2/3 of the nerve current entering the brain, and the Liver Meridian travels directly up the optic nerve to the retina. The retina has the strongest electrical dipole of any tissue.  

Electricity Regulates Embryology: 

Recent research shows that “only cells with a large negative charge became eyes” Source: science.org/content/article/my-your-eyes-are-so-electric 


Skeffington, like myself, was also trained in Theology, which helps in seeing the big picture, since vision is the dominant function of consciousness which in turn is a function of the spirit. My father was OEP President while I was AOSA President at the time Dr. Wallace introduced me to the bold concept that quantum energies of light could have some therapeutic effects on health and function through the eyes. Perhaps the biggest challenge was seeing how such a field of inquiry could be so suppressed for decades by the establishment regulating the medical field. Following the Flexner Report, the Rockefeller-Carnegie combine established a monopoly system of medicine based on patent medicine, and essentially outlawed competition from nature. Our health has suffered ever since, with drugs now being the #3 proximal cause of death, and the primary root cause of death and disability. 

Visual Field & Extraocular Tension: 

I would love to hear anyone’s thoughts who has contemplated a relationship between isometric tension in the extraocular muscles and decreased retinal circulation due to their insertion at the vortex veins, with potential effects on spatial awareness and presence in the peripheral visual field. 

Syntony (vs Dystonia) vs Syntropy (vs Entropy): 

I have come to think of Syntony in the context of Syntropy. Syntony means balance, implying harmony, homeostasis, and coherence. In a self-organizing system such as a living system, this is a state in which processes of cleansing and repair are able to reverse accumulated damage at about 12 times the typical rate of accumulation when not in Syntony. This dynamic process of Accelerated Self Healing is Syntropy, the opposite of Entropy which is a measure of disorder. 

Electromagnetic Pollution: 

We are exposed to over a quadrillion times more EMF in the past 10 years alone. We are also suffering from decreasing exposure to full spectrum light, Red & IR that stimulate mitochondria, UV & IR that produce photosynthetic structured water that supplies cellular energy independent of mitochondria and ATP. 

4th Phase of Water: 

The electrical charge of structured water, and the maximum photon frequency available to any enzyme in contact with the water depends only on the water volume. This is a physiological energy pathway potentially available to all metabolic pathways that is independent of oxidative metabolism and ATP production by mitochondria. Two cases of individuals living on radiant IR energy alone have been clinically documented at clinics in India and Texas. 

States of Matter: 

I am now seeing 10 states of matter. 

1. Light: “All matter is frozen light.” - David Bohm. Light attains mass when trapped between very close mirrors. An electron can be seen as a photon on a 1/2 wavelength orbit. 

2. BECs (Bose Einstein Condensates, 2001 Nobel Prize) 

3. ORMEs (David Hudson, British Patent) the subject of modern alchemy, aka ORMUS, white powder gold, Monatomic elements, or what I call Spirit Minerals, are the substrate of consciousness. They make up 5% of the dry weight of the brain. 

4. Solid: of course, we think of bones first. Calcium, like the Spirit minerals, has an octave harmonic resonance at 172 Hz. The connective tissue, both the extracellular matrix of collagen, and the cytoskeleton of microtubules, function as an integrated fiber optic network for biophotonic cell to cell communication. Their piezoelectric property also transduces energy between electromagnetic and sound waves.
5. Sol: a liquid like bulk H2O, which, unlike Living Water, does not absorb light in the IR or UV ranges

6. Gel: a Liquid Crystal like Living Water, aka EZ Water, a polymer of N(H3O2)- 
This is the life-giving water that hydrates healthy cell membranes and functional proteins. It serves as a protective shield against viral penetration. It serves as a conduit for instantaneous biocommunication. It serves as a capacitor for the activation energy needed by enzymes to catalyze chemical reactions. It is photosynthetic and photovoltaic. Its sheets of pi electrons act as one of the sanctuaries for spirit minerals.

7. Gas: Spirit minerals are in the air we breathe, especially when it is negatively charged. Remember that Spirit means Breath. Like Oxygen, they are paramagnetic when we breathe them in. Their fields are parallel to the Earth's field. They are transformed to a diamagnetic state in living organisms. That happens in the powerful magnetic field of each heartbeat, at which time they take in the gestalt of our experience in that moment in time, which they will never forget. It is their Baptism in the Fire of our Hearts. In the cycle of consciousness, they form linear chains of thought, then branching formations that permit free will, and finally the planar crystals that are their preferred habit that, like planar wafers of Silicon in the modern world of simulated reality, provide the substrate for the emergent properties of Vision and Wisdom that provide true freedom and fulfillment to the Spirit. This is the fullness of Shen in TCM that corresponds to the Wood Element: the Shen that first lives in the Heart and is seen in the Eyes. You know it when you see it. It is the difference between a viable soul and an NPC - a philosophical zombie - the spiritually blind.

8. Dark Mode Plasma: like bood plasma, cytoplasm, or most of the cosmos (Consider the manifestation of the Christ in fully human form saying "this is my body." There is no limit to the meanings of God's use of a pronoun like 'this'. This Universe of all Creation is indeed God's body, and we are cell's in His body. Realize that the cosmic plasma of physics is named after the plasma of biology because it moves and functions in the same manner.)

9. Glow Mode Plasma: like a flame or a lightbulb (Consider the presence of the Holy Spirit as halos and tongues of flame)

10. Arc Mode Plasma: like lightning (Consider the description of the presence on Earth of God the Father as the Shekinah Glory - a pillar of smoke by day and fire by night - the description of a powerful cosmic Birkeland Current which contains layers of electrical discharge alternating with and guided by layers of superfluid, superconductive, and sentient Spirit minerals)

Energy in a Fluid Medium: 

photons -> ionization -> life energy
Biological life exists in a fluid medium. The Nernst equation defines energy in a fluid medium. The three factors are electrons, protons, and other ions. All are produced by photonic energy and are then capable of carrying electrical current. 

This life form, the bio-body suit, coexists in space and time with the non-ordinary matter of the spirit, a condensed matter medium that operates as a field, and resonates with energy as phonons without resistance, i.e. superconductivity, making it functionally immortal as well as sentient. The field of non-ordinary matter coxists in space with the ordinary matter of biology without displacing it. It is the intelligence within the material 'machine' which guides and navigates through both conscious will and subconscious prioritization of healing activity. Its coordination and control of the activity in the biofield is the source of syntropy, and the potential to heal all accumulated damage. The energy of the spirit is a source of ionization energy, even transdimensionally across space and time. 

Structure-Function Hierarchy: 

We say that structure determines function, but this is a view that is limited by biases both to the present time frame and the material view. When we include the past in context, we see that present structure is a fossil of past function. When incorporating the future perspective in our therapeutic vision, we see that clinical outcomes of future structure will be affected by the functional pathways we choose to support and stimulate, as well as those suppressed by pharmaceuticals or damaged by surgical interventions. 

Photo-Energetic Regulatory Medicine: 

Coherent biophoton cellular communication via fiber optic network intra and inter-cellular: burst at conception with maximal activity during processes of development, regeneration and degeneration plus a burst at cell death related to mass loss of body at death. Photo-energetic biocommunication regulates conscious, subconscious, and unconscious functions.
Within the immortal spirit body, this light energy operates as phonons, and within the spirit body’s universal and transdimensional field it communicates non-locally across space-time with scalar transmission with remote quantum effects documented in both remote viewing and remote healing studies. You are as big and as interconnected as you can imagine...
The myelinization of axons in the white matter of the brain has recently been found to be intermittent at precisely the spatial frequency needed to transduce the signals from the Gamma range associated with consciousness to the 172 Hz Dominant Harmonic Frequency of Nature which I found in my own independent reserach to be a harmonic frequency of the Spirit Minerals that make up the spirit body.
These observations provide, at last, a meaningful solution to the hard problem of consciousness. At the same time, the transduction of all sensory signals into phonons in the spirit body provides a solution to the binding problem of consciousness. When approaching science and medicine with an open mind, such profound solutions are now within our grasp ranging from understanding gravity in a way that is compatible with both electromagnetism and consciousness, to seeing the visible cosmos as God’s living, immortal, sentient, fractal, holographic body and blood, of which we are cells.
The spiritual blindness which dominates consensus science, which is not true observation or science, but a belief system, aka scientism, can be dispelled, allowing for a new renaissance of true science which always invites alternate hypotheses to be tested by observation. There is much work to be done to unfold the science and medicine of the future - which is at hand. No longer do we need to continue to suffer the blind leading the blind. Most biological blindness is not only preventable, but often reversible. We will never know what can be healed until and unless we try.
In my years as the first Naturopathic Optometrist that I know of since Spitler, who wrote textbooks still studied as foundational resources in both Naturopathic Medicine and Syntonic Optometry, I have witnessed remarkable healing of blinding eye diseases as well as a wide range of brain and body conditions claimed in consensus medical training and textbooks to be irreversible. In science, each of these claims is falsifiable by a single case demonstrating reversibility. Retinologists continue to be shocked and amazed when the see a case of wet AMD convert to dry, or a case that has progressed to legal blindness restore enough functional vision to pass a driver’s test, or even just a reduction in drusen, bleeding, or retinal scar tissue. All of these results have become the expected outcomes of Nutritional Vision Therapy when applying the principles of Accelerated Self Healing, where a year of degenerative changes is typically reversed in one month of supporting a state of photo-energetic regulatory coherence throughout the biofield.
The body knows how to heal itself. We need to learn how to listen to it.

Vision at Systems and Cellular Levels: 

“The nervous system responds to light stimulation primarily through the Autonomic Nervous System (ANS).” I would add that the organism as a whole self regulates and navigates in response to electromagnetic stimulation through the voluntary and autonomic nervous systems, as well as the endocrine and immune systems.
These fundamental regulatory response functions are characteristic of life at a cellular level, and are merely expressed in a heightened way in the specific organs and tissues. This fractal holographic relationship between the cell, the tissue, the organ, the system, and the organism is reflected in the shared DNA being expressed differentially via biophotonic communication with the epigenetic visual field of each cell.
This is why I describe a cancer cell as a blind cell. De-differentiation of cells in the process of carcinogenesis is a function of the cell’s loss of its functional visual field. Remission is a function of the cell’s visual rehabilitation when the photoenergetic terrain transforms from what I term Phase 1 to Phase 2. This is demonstrated by the more than 3,000 cases of spontaneous remission documented in the medical literature. 

Alpha Omega Pupil: 

Alpha Omega pupil, like an indicator drop in impedence measured at an acupuncture point in Electroacupuncture According to Voll (EAV), shows a need for more ionization to maintain the flow of electrical energy in the related system. In the case of the eye, the retina is not the only photoreceptor system to consider. The iris is a fractal holographic photoreceptor for all the body tissues, and the choroid is configured to maximize absorption of metabolically active red and infrared frequencies. The entire blood volume of the body is irradiated in this way every 40 minutes or so. This means the blood is irradiated 3 times during each 2 hour period of maximal activity of each of the classical acupuncture meridians.
In the current configuration of Heavens and Earth where there is a distinction between day and night, the daily variation produces profound circadian rhythms. When Earth orbited within the photosphere of Saturn functioning as a red dwarf star, the constantly available photosynthetic energy was adequate to meet metabolic needs, food was not essential as a source of stored light energy. The lion did lie down with the lamb. There was no word for night or blue in cultures around the globe. Longevity was an order of magnitude greater due to the lack of ROS produced in the mitochondria and the lack of glycation. The Earth’s electrical charge was sufficiently greater that gravitation was significantly reduced, permitting megafauna to move with ease, and cultures to move stone monoliths that could not be moved by current technologies. Such conditions also prevailed when the dinosaurs roamed the Earth, permitting their muscles to move their massive bodies without breaking their bones. Such womb-like optimal photonic conditions for life are used today in greenhouses to optimize plant health and growth, as well as in healing chambers to optimize homeostasis and regeneration.

Human Cortical Folding: 

The brain cortex also receives environmental light stimulation in the infrared. The sulci act as planar fiber optic light pipes to effectively deliver IR to the entire cortex, allowing this folding to increase the functional surface area. Modern indoor environments are particularly deficient in IR with the advent of fluorescent and LED lighting. Natural environments are bright in the IR, even in the shade of greenery. Transcranial photobiomodulation helps restore function and relieve symptoms even in Phase 1 states like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.

Critical Flicker Fusion: 

I used a low threshold CFF measure, observing when black was seen between flashes, rather than a high threshold when flicker was abolished. I found this to be a more precise and repeatable measure. Population norms were consistent across the visible spectrum, but 5 potential distinct patterns emerged as expressed on an individual case basis:
Phase 1: Violet/UV therapeutic; Red/Blue (Magenta) deficient (ends of spectrum); Red = energy stimulus; Blue = information carrier
Phase 2: Red/IR therapeutic; Green deficient (center of spectrum): homeostasis; green flash at sunset = 2 IR photons
Phase 3: Ultra-Green therapeutic; deficient (low CFF)
Phase 4: Infra-Green therapeutic; deficient (low CFF)
Phase 5: Green, full spectrum therapeutic; balanced spectrum norms

Note: The proposed therapeutic values in these Phases of Health and Disease need further clinical research to support the hypothesis.

Network Physiology: 

Medication Testing from European Biological Medicine depends on cascading electrophysiological responses to photonic stimuli in the Biofield. We identify the causal chains and treat the head of each active causal chain. The network of downstream effects are balanced by the cascading effects of removing the triggering source.

Final thought: 

One of the patients referred for consultation regarding progression of cataracts and glaucoma by Dr. Wallace’s office many years ago still contacts us regularly for support. She has maintained stability of her eye health and vision for all these years, and continues to see Dr. Wallace's practice for her primary vision care.

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“The ultimate smallness and humble presence of the infinitesimal is in perfect harmony with its intimate unity with its ultimate source: the transdimensional infinite of which we are gestating potentially viable cells.”

- Dr. Glen Swartwout

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[*"The statements herein have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease."] T.D.C.