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Reduce Blue Light from Screens at Night

Excess blue light from computer and phone screens is a problem in the evening hours.

It shuts down Pineal function and Melatonin secretion, because it is blue light pathways in the Autonomic Nervous System that regulate the Pineal in humans.


Macintosh Computers
  1. Go to System Preferences in the menu under the Apple icon...
  2. Choose Displays at the left side on the second row...
  3. Click on the Night Shift tab at the upper right side of the window...
  4. For your Schedule, I recommend Sunset to Sunrise...
  5. For Color Temperature, I recommend as close to the More Warm end as works for you...

If you need more flexible control, you can download the F.lux app here...

For example, you can disable the filter for certain applications like photo editing where you want to see the full color spectrum...


Windows 7 & 8 PCs

These older versions of Windows don't have a built-in program for regulating blue light emissions...

You can download the F.lux app here...

This will allow you to set the filtering you want, and you can also disable the filter for certain applications like photo editing where you want to see the full color spectrum...

Windows 10 PCs
  1. Go to Settings...
  2. Choose Display...
  3. Turn on the toggle for Night Light...
  4. For your Schedule, I recommend Sunset to Sunrise...
  5. Click on Blue Light Settings...
  6. I recommend the highest Strength that works for you...
  7. For the Schedule, turn Night Light On...
  8. I recommend selecting Sunset to Sunrise...

If you need more flexible control, you can download the F.lux app here...

For example, you can disable the filter for certain applications like photo editing where you want to see the full color spectrum...

Smart Phones

  1. On the Home Page, go to Settings...
  2. Scroll down to select Display & Brightness just below General and Control Center...
  3. Click on the Night Shift...
  4. Schedule, for example from 6:00 PM to 6:00 AM...
  5. For Color Temperature, I recommend More Warm...

If you need more flexible control, you can download the F.lux app here... or download it at the App store...

Android Phones

Activate Night Light...

  1. Go to Settings...
  2. Go to Display...
  3. Go to Night Light...
  4. Schedule, for example from 6:00 PM to 6:00 AM...

If you need more control of filtering, download the F.lux app here...

What about Blue Blocking Glasses?

We use color filter lenses for healing purposes.

They are richly colored band pass filters that we typically recommend wearing about 20 minutes at a time once a day...

I do not generally recommend wearing 'Blue Blocker' lenses for blocking blue light during daylight hours.

During the daytime, blue light is needed to activate the Parasympathetic Nervous System for "Rest and Digest" functions.

Lenses that block blue light will be Yellow, Orange or Red.

Wearing these color lenses for extended periods during daylight hours activates the Sympathetic Nervous System, which is the stress response designed to prepare you for "Fright, Fight, or Flight"...

Use Red Light at Night

Our bio-body suits are adapted to the natural environment...

Any white light brighter than the full moon at night will turn off the Pineal Gland and its production of Melatonin...

The Pineal has been called "the seat of the soul" by Rene Descartes...

Melatonin is the only hormone that communicates directly with the DNA of every cell in the body.

It signals the dark environment of the nighttime so every cell can coordinate in the diurnal cycle of activities...

We recommend several resources for maintaining your Pineal activity when you need some light during the night...

Our red night lights automatically turn on in the dark, and red light does not affect the Pineal.

Red light also preserves your night vision, so when you go from a lit area into a dark area, your eyes are already adapted for optimum scotopic visual function...

We also offer a red flashlight in case you need portable light that preserves Pineal and Retinal function at night...

If you want to upgrade your red flashlight to one that also provides Red Light therapy for the skin and other tissues near the surface of the body, we also offer a powerful Red Mitochondrial Therapy flashlight.

The 630 nanometer wavelength is absorbed by Cytochrome C in the mitochodria, stimulating increased energy production in the cells.

We also use therapeutic frequencies in the red and infrared to activate mitochondria in deep organ tissues with our Harmony Laser and our Brain Helmet.

You can find the details on these healing support tools here, or click on an image below for that item.

Night Light

Night Vision Flashlight

Healing Flashlight

Harmony Laser

Brain Helmet

This video shows the precursor of our Harmony Laser and the Brain Helmet, made for NASA:

Sleep Remedies

Sleep Synergy

(Healing Oasis)


Sleep Synergy provides gentle, effective relaxation and support for melatonin production.

Because of the very low dose of melatonin in this formula, it works great any time during the night as well as within 30 minutes of bedtime.

All of our sleep related formulas include a wide range of nutrients, precursors and botanical synergists for maximum effectiveness.

We also leave out Valeriana officinalis, which is a botanical commonly used in many sleep formulas.

About 40% of people have an opposite effect with Valerian...

Brain Cleanse

(Healing Oasis)


Brain Cleanse supports opening of the Brain's Glymph drainage system while you sleep.

Take one capsule a half hour before going to bed.

A single capsule provides the 20 mg dosage of Melatonin needed to support activation of the Glymph system so you can cleanse your brain while you sleep...

Since the retina and optic nerve are embryologically derived from brain tissue, we find this formula is also helpful to cleanse these tissues that are essential for eye health and visual function.

Neurodegenerative patterns are accompanied by an accumulation of wastes like amyloid proteins and toxins like excitotoxins.

Melatonin Max

(Healing Oasis)


Researchers are finding benefits of Melatonin doses up to 200 mg per night with issues like weight loss and cancer...

Melatonin Max provides 100 mg per capsule so you can test out your body's response to Melatonin doses of 100 mg or 200 mg per night for yourself.

Recommended Bulbs for Photopic Vision

Try our top choices for lighting your key areas like kitchen and study...

100 Watts

Perfect for focused visual tasks...

Ideally, light should come from behind, over the shoulders...

Uses only 73 Watts of electricity.

75 Watts

Moderate intensity light.

Use for great visibility in areas where you do detailed visual tasks.

Less energy use than a 100 Watt bulb.

60 Watts

Perfect for general room lighting in kitchen, bathroom and study areas when performing detailed visual tasks like reading or food preparation...

Everything is Frequencies...

Fluorescent and LED lighting is missing most frequencies in the visible spectrum...

These light sources also flicker on and off creating stress responses in the nervous system, and using up essential Vitamin A in the retina...

Standard incandescent light is deficient in the red end of the spectrum which is important for cellular energy and detoxification...

Light frequencies are crucial, not just for visibility, but also for comfort, performance and wellbeing...

Heal With Frequencies

Ultraviolet Light is ionizing radiation. It is used for cleansing and sterilizing.


Visible Light frequencies make up different colors. Learn more abouthealing with color therapy and Phytochromotherapy...


Infrared is energizing and detoxifying. Learn more...


Learn about the Dominant Harmonic Frequency of Nature, used as the metric standard during 1000 years of peace in China and Tibet. Why was it the one thing more sacred than the Emperor?

172 Hertz

We use special violet glassware to maintain the potency of our botanical/nutritional formulations. The glass allows UV, Violet and Infrared light to enter while filtering out the rest of the visible spectrum that would degrade the chemistry and promote microbial growth... Learn more here...

Biophotonic Bottles

Microcurrent uses specific frequency patterns to promote healing. Find out how astronauts and cosmonauts heal themselves in space where drugs cannot be used...


Pulsed Electromagnetic Field (PEMF) therapies promote increased circulation and faster healing... PEMF produces microcurrent frequencies in the body...

Heal EMF

Avoid harmful frequencies including 5G... Discover Electromagnetic Pollution Solutions

Heal 5G

© Copyclaim 2023

Remedy Match LLC, DBA Healing Oasis

[email protected]

PO Box 126 Hilo, Hawai'i-Kingdom [96721]

+1 (808) 217-9647

[*"The statements herein have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease."] T.D.C.